Therapy Services
At Sunshine, we proudly offer Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy services in the natural environment to include home, daycare, and preschool/school for children of all abilities from birth to twenty-one years of age. We do accept insurance and file on your behalf. Please reach out today and we can verify benefits for your plan.
Physical Therapy
Early intervention through physical therapy is very important if delays are suspected or apparent in infants and toddlers. Services are determined through an evaluation and assessment. PT can help an infant or toddler reach developmental milestones that are delayed. If your infant or toddler presents with any of the following, you should consider a physical therapy evaluation:
Difficulty soothing
Does not like tummy time
Not meeting expected developmental milestones
Child feels “floppy” (low muscle tone)
Asymmetry of movement or body alignment
Poor postural control
Poor endurance with feeding or during play

Occupational Therapy

Your Child Might Benefit From OT if he or she has:
Hates wearing pants, socks, or tags in clothes
Difficulty using both hands together (bilateral coordination)
Poor coordination
Decreased balance
Delayed motor skill development
Decrease strength, low muscle tone
Difficulty with handwriting
Behavioral challenges or social skill issues
Decreased attention or ability to participate in age appropriate activities
Difficulties with feeding, is a picky eater or a messy eater
Hypersensitive to touch
Frequent or long temper tantrums
Occupational Therapy Services Promote:
Body awareness (proprioceptive sense)
Balance, movement, head position (vestibular sense)
Upper body strength and coordination
Fine motor skills
Bilateral coordination (using both hands together)
Motor planning (planning, initiating, and executing movements)
Visual perceptual skills (ability to make sense of what is seen)
Visual motor skills (the ability to use the hands and eyes together)
Adaptive behavior (play skills, self-regulation, transitions)
Self-care (dressing, tying shoes)
Adaptive equipment, positioning